Chapter 3 Page 8
Chapter: Chapter 3
I feel bad that I didn’t give Cheryl this kind of attention when she tried to make Jameson her thrall. I’ll be sure to make it up to her later.
Art: Aya Yanagisawa (Patreon)
I feel bad that I didn’t give Cheryl this kind of attention when she tried to make Jameson her thrall. I’ll be sure to make it up to her later.
Art: Aya Yanagisawa (Patreon)
Looks like the tables have turned.
Yup! A common occurrence!
Protip: Don’t underestimate Jameson!
Kennedy has had more experience as a dominatrix. Not quite a sadist, she seems to be more for forcing her own pleasure and not thinking of her ‘victim’. Cheryl actually knows how to please a man, and she has enough control of her own body to hold back her own pleasure. Not enough to handle her latest target, but impressive none the less. Between the two it looks like Cheryl had a much better chance if she tried a more subtle approach, but Kennedy definitely isn’t subtle. She looks to have a ‘Screw You’ personality.
Very good analysis. Cheryl is all about control and is a spoiled brat. So thinking she’d be beaten never really crossed her mind. Kennedy is also used to having her way, usually taking it by force.
Well, as I see it, neither one has any practice at losing because it appears that being a succubus puts one in the same boat as being a super hero. You only get to lose once, and then you’re just meat for the crows…
I wouldn’t really call Cheryl spoiled, merely overconfident. She’s smart enough to know when she might be over her head, but too stubborn to back down and try again. First mistake was underestimating his size. Not really a big mistake, and one she could easily overcome. Second mistake was thinking he wasn’t experienced with sensitive breasts. That was a big mistake, and one where she changed her strategy to compensate for it. Third mistake was not researching her target. Another big mistake, else she would have had prior warning to his ‘technique’. Here’s where she screwed up big time. She resorted to force. Fourth mistake is that she had no clue how strong he was. Breaking her leash by merely flexing his power should have been the ‘Red Alert: Get the FUCK outta there’. And that was her fifth mistake; she didn’t.
Comparatively Kennedy only made one mistake. She tried force, which apparently won’t work on him. The good news is that there’s a very good chance that if she becomes his second thrall, she will be the most tender. After being shown (and aroused) by his gentle touch, her aggression will just drain away.